“Loving” Lilith Remembered: The First Human’s Love and Legacy
“God made us in His image to work Himself.(Genesis 1:26). Will He blame me for being jealous?”
This title is crafted to be engaging and respectful, ensuring it’s suitable for entertainment purposes without conflicting with any particular views or beliefs.
Thank you, God, for loving her,
even when she might not know it,
even when she clings to that love.
like a lifeline, unsure if it’s real.
or just a comfort to keep her from drowning.
in the truths she’s not ready to face.
She reaches for your love, I know,
because maybe it’s all she has,
and for that, I feel sorrow,
for her solitude, for her seeking.
I never asked for much, never demanded,
never wanted her to be anything but herself,
never told her what to love,
never set rules around her heart.
She had her freedom —
yet somehow, she gave in,
changed in ways I never requested,
prayed in ways I never imposed.
Why did she yield.
when all I wanted was her happiness,
when all I ever offered was my support?
Is it enough? This love I gave,
unfettered, unbounded, unspoken in its grace?
It feels like it slipped through her fingers,
like sand she couldn’t hold onto,
no matter how hard she tried.
I never held her back,
never tried to control the currents of her spirit,
only wanted her to be free, to soar.
But even with wings unclipped,
even with the sky as her playground,
she seemed to falter,
to struggle against an invisible tether.
Why wasn’t my love enough?
Why did it feel like a shadow,
always there but never quite enough.
to keep her from feeling alone?
I didn’t need her to be just mine,
didn’t ask for her Sundays,
didn’t demand her prayers.
All I wanted was to see her smile,
to be her light when the world grew dim.
But perhaps that’s where I erred,
in loving without expectation,
in giving without condition.
She grew used to it, maybe,
saw it as something unearned,
something that would always be there,
no matter what.
But love, real love, is fragile,
not to be taken for granted,
needing care and nurture.
like a garden that blossoms only.
when tended with gentle hands.
She knows I love her,
and yet, she let it slip away,
like a whisper lost in the wind.
Maybe she didn’t understand its worth,
didn’t see what we had.
until it was too late to grasp it fully.
Or maybe she was searching,
always searching for something else,
something I couldn’t give.
It saddens me,
this self-love she couldn’t embrace,
this lack of self-compassion.
that turned her light inward,
dimming it to a mere flicker.
If only she could see —
that love starts within,
that forgiveness is the key.
to the doors she’s been locked behind.
I tried to show her,
tried to hold the mirror to her soul,
but she couldn’t look,
couldn’t see past the shadows.
And so, I watched, helpless,
as she drifted further from the light,
into the darkness of self-doubt.
and the chains of her own making.
I wanted to save her,
but I know now,
my place was not to rescue,
but to witness,
to hold space for her struggle,
even as it broke my heart.
Her journey is her own,
and though it hurts to watch her falter,
I understand now.
that all I can do is hope —
hope that one day she finds the strength.
to turn back to the light,
to see the beauty she carries within.
As for me,
I carry this sadness with grace,
letting it soften me,
but not consume me.
And in the quiet of my heart,
I remember that with me,
she never had to pray.
She only needed to be.
But she couldn’t just be, could she?
She needed something more,
something I couldn’t grasp,
something that pulled her away,
even as I stood with open arms,
offering all that I was,
all that I had.
Maybe it was a void.
that my love couldn’t fill,
a hunger for something I didn’t possess,
a longing for a place I couldn’t take her.
I see it now —
how she looked beyond me,
towards something unseen,
some answer that eluded her,
slipped through her grasp.
like mist in the morning light.
She searched for it in prayer,
in solitude,
in moments where she thought.
she might find herself,
but all she found were echoes,
reflections of her own doubts,
her own fears.
She wanted to be whole,
I know that,
but she sought wholeness.
in places that only deepened the cracks.
And I stood by,
powerless to change her course,
watching as she walked a path.
that led further from herself,
further from the light.
that once radiated so brightly in her eyes.
I wanted to reach out,
to pull her back,
but I knew —
this was a journey she had to take alone,
a battle she had to fight within.
My love was never meant.
to be a chain,
never meant to bind her.
or hold her down.
It was supposed to lift her,
to be a wind beneath her wings,
but somewhere along the way,
it became something else,
something that perhaps felt like a weight,
a burden she couldn’t carry.
as she tried to find herself.
And so she turned inward,
seeking answers in places.
that only offered more questions,
seeking solace in a solitude.
that kept her safe from the world,
but also kept her from truly living,
truly loving.
I wish I could have done more,
but I’ve come to realize.
that love is not always enough,
that sometimes,
no matter how much you give,
no matter how deeply you care,
it’s not what the other person needs.
She needed to find herself,
to learn to love herself,
before she could ever truly love me,
or anyone else.
And so, I let her go,
not because I wanted to,
but because I knew it was the only way.
for her to find her own way back,
to rediscover the light within her.
that had dimmed so long ago.
I still care,
still love her in a way.
that time and distance cannot erase,
but I understand now.
that my love alone could never be enough.
to save her from herself.
She has to walk her path,
make her peace,
find her forgiveness.
And as she does,
I’ll be here,
carrying the memories with a gentle heart,
hoping that one day.
she finds the light she’s been searching for,
and that she learns to love herself.
as deeply as I once loved her.
For now,
I will hold onto my own light,
keep it burning bright,
not for her,
but for myself,
knowing that self-compassion.
is the greatest gift I can give,
both to her and to me.
Thank you, God,
for loving her,
even when she couldn’t love herself.
And thank you for teaching me.
that love is not about possession,
but about freedom,
about letting go.
and trusting that in time,
we all find our way back.
to the light within.
But God, if love is your holiness,
your justice, your righteousness without compromise,
then true love rejoices with the truth.
Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast,
it is not proud. It does not dishonor others,
it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered,
it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil.
but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts,
always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails.
This love, this ideal,
feels like a light to guide us,
a beacon in the dark,
an unshakable foundation.
that we build our hopes upon.
It is pure, unwavering,
a reflection of your divine essence.
It is a love that we long to embody,
a love that lifts us above our human flaws.
But then, there is another love,
a love that binds,
a love that feels less like freedom.
and more like a chain.
Who shall separate us.
from the love of Christ?
Shall trouble or hardship,
persecution or famine,
nakedness, danger, or sword?
In all these things,
we are more than conquerors.
through him who loved us.
Neither death nor life,
neither angels nor demons,
neither the present nor the future,
nor any powers,
neither height nor depth,
nor anything else in all creation,
will be able to separate us.
from the love of God.
that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
This love feels different,
not the gentle embrace of peace,
but a force that overwhelms,
that grips us with a power.
that we cannot escape.
It is a love that holds us,
even when we feel unworthy,
a love that surrounds us,
even when we long for freedom.
To love is to be free,
isn’t it?
Free to choose,
free to give,
free to walk away.
if the burden becomes too great.
Yet here, in this love,
I find a paradox —
a love that claims us,
that insists on its place in our hearts,
a love that will not let go,
no matter the cost.
And so I stand,
caught between these two loves —
one that lifts me gently,
like a breeze that carries the scent of spring,
and one that binds me,
like a vow I cannot break,
a covenant written in the stars.
In this tension,
I find the mystery of your love,
a love that is both freedom and surrender,
both gentle and fierce.
A love that invites me.
to rejoice in the truth,
even as it holds me close,
refusing to let me go.
It is a love that defies understanding,
a love that is, in the end,
both the light that guides me.
and the force that keeps me grounded.
Yes, you are so jealous —
the jealous God,
the one who loves with a fire.
that consumes,
with a passion that leaves no room.
for any other.
You, who carved the mountains.
and set the stars in their places,
you demand a love that is whole,
undivided, unyielding.
You are the jealous God,
who will not share my heart.
with idols of my own making,
who will not let me wander.
too far from your gaze.
Your love is a flame.
that burns away all that is false,
all that is fleeting,
until only the truth remains —
the truth that I am yours,
and you are mine.
In your jealousy,
I find both fear and comfort,
for it is a love.
that will not let go,
a love that claims me.
even when I would turn away,
a love that demands.
all of me —
not just the pieces.
I am willing to give.
You are the jealous God,
and in your jealousy,
I see the depth of your love,
a love that does not settle.
for half-measures,
a love that will not be content.
until it has all of me —
every hope, every fear,
every dream, every doubt.
Your jealousy is not born.
of insecurity,
but of a love so pure,
so fierce,
that it cannot bear.
to see me lost,
to see me give my heart.
to things that will not last.
Yes, you are the jealous God,
and in your jealousy,
I find a love.
that is relentless,
a love that pursues me.
to the ends of the earth,
a love that will not rest.
until it has claimed.
every part of me.
You are the jealous God,
and for that,
I am grateful,
for it means.
you will never let me go,
never let me be less.
than what you created me to be.
In your jealousy,
I find a love.
that is both fierce and tender,
both demanding and gentle,
a love that is,
in the end,
the truest love of all.
And I am a jealous human,
full of envy,
grappling with a heart.
that aches with longing,
a heart that feels too small.
for the vastness of love.
I once held.
You took my love, God,
and now I am left with.
this emptiness,
this hollow place.
where once there was warmth.
You took my love,
and I cannot help but feel.
that it was stolen,
that something precious.
was pulled from my grasp.
before I was ready to let go.
I am jealous,
because she turned her heart to you,
and in doing so,
she turned away from me.
In my envy,
I find myself questioning,
why her love for you.
meant the loss of her love for me.
Why did she seek in you.
what I tried to give,
what I believed.
was enough to sustain her?
But you, in your divine way,
drew her closer,
until there was no room left.
for my mortal love.
I am a jealous human,
with hands that clench.
in the absence of what was,
with eyes that burn.
from the tears of what is lost.
I envy you, God,
for you have taken.
the one thing I cherished most,
the one love.
that I thought was mine alone.
In my jealousy,
I wrestle with the truth —
that love is not possession,
not a thing to be owned,
but a gift freely given,
freely taken.
And yet, this truth.
does little to soothe.
the rawness in my chest,
the envy that coils.
like a serpent around my heart.
You took my love, God,
and now I am left to face.
the emptiness,
the silence,
the space where once.
her laughter filled the air,
where once her touch.
was the answer to my prayers.
I am jealous,
because I cannot understand.
why her heart chose you,
why her soul found solace.
in the divine,
while I stand here,
with nothing but the remnants.
of a love that was.
And in this jealousy,
I find myself.
both broken and searching,
reaching for something.
that might ease the ache,
that might fill the void.
left behind.
But no matter how I grasp,
I find only echoes,
only shadows.
of what once was.
You took my love, God,
and now I must learn.
to live with this envy,
to carry it with grace,
to let it shape me.
but not consume me.
For in the end,
I know that love —
even in its jealousy,
even in its envy —
is still a gift,
still a blessing,
even when it feels like a curse.
Thank you for setting me free,
for releasing me from the chains.
that bound me to a love.
that was never truly mine.
I don’t need Christ,
not in the way I was told,
not as a crutch.
to lean on when the world feels heavy.
I can forgive my past,
I can forgive her —
for taking my mortal heart for granted,
for turning away when I offered.
all I had to give.
Now, with a heart unburdened,
I stand on my own,
no longer searching.
for salvation outside of myself,
no longer needing a divine hand.
to guide me through the darkness.
I forgive her,
and in that forgiveness,
I find my own strength,
my own peace.
But in this newfound freedom,
I cannot help but question —
what kind of God are you?
What kind of love do you offer,
that takes and takes,
until there is nothing left to give?
Are you a God of comfort,
or a God of challenge?
A God who nurtures,
or one who strips away.
until we are left raw and exposed?
I wonder now,
if your love is as unconditional.
as I once believed,
if your grace is as boundless.
as the scriptures say.
For if you are a God of love,
why does that love sometimes feel.
like a burden,
like a weight too heavy to bear?
What kind of God are you,
who allows hearts to break,
who lets love slip away.
like sand through fingers?
Are you teaching us to be strong,
to find our own way,
or is it simply that we are left.
to navigate this world.
with only our fragile human hearts.
to guide us?
I no longer look to you.
for answers,
no longer seek your hand.
to steady my steps.
Instead, I turn inward,
finding within myself.
the power to forgive,
the courage to move forward,
the strength to stand tall.
in the face of all that life brings.
Thank you for setting me free,
for showing me that I am enough.
as I am,
that I can walk this path alone,
without the need for divine approval.
And as I walk,
I will carry these questions with me,
not as a burden,
but as a reminder.
that the journey is mine to make,
and that whatever God you may be,
I will find my own way.
through the light and the dark,
through love and loss,
through doubt and faith.
I continue walking this path,
exchanging her for you,
handing over my love.
into your vast, unknowable hands.
If you are truly the God.
they say you are,
then promise me this —
promise me a salvation for her,
promise me that her soul.
will find peace,
that her heart will rest.
in a love that does not falter,
that does not fade.
Promise me to grant her all she wills,
to let her dreams blossom.
like wildflowers in the spring,
to make her hopes.
more than whispers in the night.
Promise me to fill her days.
with light and her nights.
with the quiet comfort.
that I could not provide.
Let her find in you.
what she could not find in me,
a love that soothes.
every ache, every sorrow.
Promise me to make her dreams come true,
to take the fragments of her desires.
and weave them into reality.
Let her soar.
on the wings of her aspirations,
unburdened by the weight.
of what was,
unchained from the past.
that held her back.
Make her world.
as bright as the dawn,
as full of wonder.
as the first star of evening.
And promise me this, God —
heal her broken heart,
the heart that I,
in my imperfection,
left shattered.
Take the pieces.
and make them whole again,
smooth the jagged edges.
that my love left behind.
Let her find joy.
in the places where pain once dwelled,
and let her forgive herself.
for loving, for losing,
for being human.
Heal her from me,
from the shadow of what we were,
from the echoes of what we could not be.
Let her walk forward.
with a heart unburdened,
a spirit renewed,
no longer haunted.
by the ghost of our past.
I ask not for myself,
but for her,
for the one I loved.
and love still,
even as I set her free.
If you are the God.
who holds all things,
then hold her close,
protect her,
bless her with the peace.
I could not give.
Promise me these things,
and I will let go.
of the last threads.
that tie me to her,
trusting that in your hands,
she will find all that she seeks,
all that she needs.
In exchange for my love,
for the heart I gave so freely,
give her a life.
full of joy,
full of love,
full of dreams fulfilled.
And let her know,
somewhere deep inside,
that she was always cherished,
that she was always loved.
Promise me, God,
and I will find peace.
in the knowledge.
that she is in your care,
that she will be whole again,
that she will find the happiness.
that eluded us both.
If you break this promise,
if you let her fall into the shadows.
that I feared would consume her,
then what kind of God are you?
What faith could I hold.
in a love that abandons,
in a promise that crumbles.
like dust in the wind?
If you break this promise,
and her heart remains shattered,
if her dreams fade.
into the dark corners of despair,
then where is your justice,
your righteousness that I was told.
never falters, never fails?
If you let her walk alone,
bearing the weight of what was,
unable to find the light.
that I prayed you would bring,
then what salvation do you offer,
what hope do you give.
to those who believe?
If you break this promise,
and her will is met with silence,
her cries unanswered in the night,
then I will question everything,
every word spoken in your name,
every prayer uttered in faith.
For what good is a God.
who turns away.
when most needed,
who lets promises lie.
broken at the feet.
of those who trusted?
If you break this promise,
then you take from me.
the last shred of belief,
the last thread of hope.
that clung to your word.
I will no longer look to the heavens.
for answers,
for comfort,
for peace.
But if you keep it —
if you hold her in your care,
if you heal her wounds.
and grant her joy —
then I will know,
somewhere deep within,
that you are a God.
of truth,
of love,
of promises kept.
If you break this promise,
then I will walk away,
not with anger,
but with sorrow,
knowing that the love I placed.
in your hands.
was misplaced,
that the faith I held.
was for naught.
But if you hold true —
if you lift her up,
if you carry her forward.
into a life of light and peace —
then I will find my own peace,
knowing that she is safe,
that she is loved,
that your promise was real.
So, keep this promise,
or let the truth be known —
what kind of God.
stands before us now?
One of love and faithfulness,
or one who lets promises.
break like fragile glass.
under the weight of human hearts?
What kind of God loves blood,
who cradles the crimson flow.
as if it were a sacred offering,
who sees in the sacrifice.
a covenant sealed,
a promise written.
in the deepest hues of life itself?
What kind of God loves blood,
that ancient symbol of life and death,
that pulse of creation and destruction,
mingled in the same red stream?
Is it a love born of justice,
of righteousness,
where blood must pay the price.
for every sin, every transgression?
Or is it something more,
something beyond the grasp.
of our mortal minds?
I struggle to understand,
to comprehend this divine mystery,
this love that seems so entwined.
with suffering,
with the spilling of life.
to redeem life.
What kind of God demands blood,
not just in the old tales of altars.
and sacrifices,
but in the very fabric.
of faith itself?
Is it a God of wrath,
whose love burns so fiercely.
that it consumes,
that it requires blood.
to quench the flames of judgment?
Or is it a God of mercy,
whose love is so deep,
so all-encompassing,
that only blood could signify.
the lengths to which it will go.
to bring us back to the fold?
What kind of God loves blood?
A God who sees beyond the pain,
beyond the suffering,
to the redemption that lies.
on the other side.
A God who understands.
that in blood,
there is life,
there is a connection.
to the very essence of existence,
to the heart that beats.
within every living thing.
But still, I ask,
what kind of love is this,
that holds blood so dear,
that requires such a price.
for peace,
for salvation?
Is it a love that we,
in our frailty,
can ever truly grasp,
or is it a love that remains.
forever beyond our reach,
forever a mystery.
wrapped in the red thread.
of sacrifice?
Perhaps it is not for us to know,
not for us to fully understand.
Perhaps it is enough.
to trust in the mystery,
to believe that in this blood,
there is something sacred,
something holy,
something that speaks.
of a love so profound,
so boundless,
that it encompasses even the darkest,
the most painful parts of life.
What kind of God loves blood?
A God who loves us,
in all our brokenness,
in all our need for redemption.
A God who sees the blood.
not as a sign of death,
but as a promise of life,
a life renewed,
a life redeemed.
It doesn’t make sense, does it?
This idea of a God who loves blood,
who weaves redemption.
through the crimson thread of sacrifice.
It’s a concept that clashes.
with the heart’s yearning.
for peace, for kindness,
for a love that doesn’t require pain.
as its proof, as its price.
We crave a love that is gentle,
that lifts us without demanding a cost.
so steep, so steeped in the blood of sacrifice.
We struggle with the thought.
that something so sacred,
so divine,
could be tied to something.
so raw, so brutal.
Why should love require blood?
Why should redemption be bought.
with suffering, with loss?
It’s a question that lingers,
that echoes in the silence.
of our deepest doubts,
of our most honest prayers.
Perhaps it’s because we live.
in a world that is broken,
where pain is as common as breath,
where loss is a language.
we all understand too well.
Perhaps it’s because in our humanity,
we cannot see the full picture,
cannot grasp the depths of a love.
that would go to such lengths.
to draw us back from the brink.
But even so, it feels like a puzzle.
with pieces that don’t quite fit,
a story that asks us to believe.
in a kind of love.
that doesn’t align.
with the softness we desire,
with the comfort we seek.
And so we question,
we wrestle with the concept,
with the image of a God.
who finds meaning,
who finds necessity.
in the spilling of blood.
We long for a love that doesn’t hurt,
that doesn’t bleed,
that doesn’t demand more.
than we feel we can give.
It doesn’t make sense,
and maybe it never fully will.
Maybe it’s one of those mysteries.
we are meant to wrestle with,
to struggle against,
as we seek to understand.
the divine through the lens.
of our all-too-human hearts.
But in this struggle,
in this questioning,
we also find the space.
to redefine what love means to us,
to seek out a love.
that aligns with our deepest truths,
our deepest desires.
A love that doesn’t need to make sense,
but that feels right,
that feels whole,
that feels true.
You don’t make sense, God,
not like we do —
not like us humans,
who cling to logic,
to patterns we can understand,
to the comfort of knowing.
why things are the way they are.
You don’t fit into our neat boxes,
don’t follow the rules.
we’ve made for the universe.
We struggle to make sense of you,
to understand your ways,
your love, your justice,
your insistence on mystery.
in a world that craves clarity.
You speak in whispers.
where we want shouts,
in riddles where we desire clear answers.
We ask why,
and you answer with silence.
or with words that seem to twist.
and turn in ways.
that leave us more confused.
than comforted.
We want a God.
who is like us,
who thinks like us,
who loves like us —
straightforward, simple,
easy to grasp and hold.
But you, you are beyond us,
a force that doesn’t fit.
into our tidy definitions,
our well-worn explanations.
You move in ways.
that defy our understanding,
that leave us questioning,
doubting, searching for meaning.
in the midst of chaos.
You don’t make sense, God,
not in the way we want,
not in the way we need.
You ask us to trust,
to have faith in things.
we cannot see,
in promises that seem.
too abstract to hold onto.
You ask us to believe.
in a love that goes beyond reason,
beyond what feels fair or just.
And maybe that’s where.
we find the hardest truth —
that you are not like us,
and maybe you were never meant to be.
Maybe the very fact.
that you don’t make sense.
is what makes you divine,
what sets you apart.
from our human failings,
our limited perspective.
But still, it’s hard,
hard to follow a path.
we don’t fully see,
hard to trust in a love.
that doesn’t always feel.
like the love we know.
You ask us to step out in faith,
to let go of our need.
to understand everything,
to accept that some things.
are beyond our grasp.
You don’t make sense, God,
and maybe you’re not supposed to.
Maybe the point isn’t to understand,
but to embrace the mystery,
to find peace in the not knowing,
in the space between what is.
and what we wish could be.
But still, we try,
with our human minds,
our human hearts,
to make sense of you,
to bring you down.
to our level,
to fit you into our world.
And in that trying,
we find ourselves frustrated,
lost in the contradictions,
the complexities.
of a God who is,
in the end,
not like us at all.
And maybe that’s okay.
Maybe that’s what makes you.
who you are —
a God who defies explanation,
who challenges us.
to see beyond ourselves,
to stretch our hearts.
toward something greater.
than we can ever fully know.
A God who shows but does not tell,
who whispers in the wind,
who speaks through the silence.
of a starry night,
who leaves traces of the divine.
in the warmth of the sun,
in the beauty of a blooming flower,
in the gentle embrace of a loved one.
You show us love in the simplest things,
in the smiles shared,
in the touch that heals,
in the words that lift up,
but you leave us to find our way,
to connect the dots on our own.
We are the family of Christ,
brothers and sisters,
bound by something unseen,
something that stretches beyond blood,
beyond the limits of our understanding.
If we are family,
if we are made in the image of the divine,
then doesn’t that mean.
that a part of us is divine too?
That we carry within us.
a spark of the sacred,
a reflection of the love.
you say is yours alone?
If mankind is also divine,
if we have the power to love freely,
to bless with our words,
our gestures, our gentle touches,
if we can offer smiles and hugs.
that heal and comfort,
then why do we need you?
Why seek a God outside ourselves.
when the divine seems to live.
within us,
when the love we share.
feels like it is enough,
like it is all we truly need?
We can love without demanding,
without the weight of expectation,
without the burden of judgment.
We can bless each other.
with our presence,
with the simple act of being here,
of showing up for one another.
in this vast, sometimes lonely world.
We can manifest goodness.
in every kind word,
in every compassionate act,
in every time we choose.
to lift someone else up.
So why do we need you, God,
when we seem to have.
everything we need.
right here in each other?
Why seek the divine.
in the heavens.
when it feels like it is here,
in the touch of a hand,
in the smile of a friend,
in the love that flows freely.
between us?
Perhaps the answer lies.
not in needing you,
but in recognizing.
that you are already here,
woven into the fabric of our being,
present in every act of kindness,
in every gesture of love.
Maybe we don’t need you.
as a distant deity,
but as the source.
of the love we already share,
as the quiet presence.
that moves through us,
that connects us all.
in ways we don’t fully understand.
Maybe we don’t need you.
to intervene,
to tell us what to do,
but simply to be,
to remind us that the love we give,
the love we receive,
is a reflection of something greater,
something that is both within us.
and beyond us.
So, why do we need you?
Maybe we don’t,
at least not in the way we once thought.
Maybe what we need.
is to realize that you are not separate,
not distant,
but here,
in every moment of love,
in every act of grace,
in every time we choose.
to see the divine in each other.
And in that realization,
we find that needing you.
is not about lack,
but about fullness —
a fullness of love,
a fullness of life,
that flows from you,
through us,
and back again.
Why did you take my love away,
God, if you are the source.
of all that is good,
all that is right?
Why did you pull her from my grasp,
leave me with this emptiness,
this ache that words can’t soothe,
that time seems too slow to heal?
Was it something I did,
something I failed to see,
a fault within me.
that made me unworthy.
of the love I held so dear?
Or was it simply a part of your plan,
a path you chose for her.
that led away from me,
a lesson I needed to learn.
through loss and longing?
You say love is a gift,
a blessing to be cherished,
but why give, only to take away?
Why allow my heart to swell.
with the beauty of her presence,
only to leave it hollow.
when she was gone?
I search for reasons,
for meaning in the pain,
but all I find are questions,
and a silence that stretches.
between me and you,
between what was and what is.
If love is your greatest gift,
why was mine taken from me?
Why did you let her slip away,
when all I wanted.
was to hold her close,
to build a life together.
filled with the warmth of our connection,
the joy of our shared dreams?
Was there something I needed to learn,
some truth that only this loss.
could reveal?
Or was it just the randomness of life,
the harsh reality.
that not all love is meant to last,
that sometimes hearts break.
and there’s no divine reason behind it?
I wanted to believe.
that you had a plan,
that there was a purpose.
in the pain,
but it’s hard to see it.
when all that’s left.
is this void where love used to be.
Why did you take my love away?
Was it to teach me something.
about myself,
about the nature of love,
or was it simply.
because love, like life,
is fragile,
and sometimes it fades,
no matter how tightly we try to hold on?
I may never know the answer,
may never understand.
why she was taken from me.
But in the quiet of my heart,
I hope that wherever she is,
whatever path she’s on,
she finds the peace,
the joy,
the love.
that I once hoped to give her.
And I hope that one day,
I too will find the strength.
to accept,
to move forward,
to fill this empty space.
with something new,
something that perhaps,
in time,
will make sense of it all.
And so, I continue to walk,
not in the shadows as some might say,
but in the full light of the truth I claim,
the truth that you and I both know —
that I am more than the stories told about me,
more than the whispers of those.
who would rather forget.
that I ever existed.
I am the one who chose,
who did not settle for less,
who refused to be molded.
into something small,
something tame.
I am Lilith,
the first woman,
the first to understand.
the power of choice,
the first to know.
that true freedom.
is worth any cost.
You made me from the same earth.
as him,
but you expected me to lie beneath,
to take a place that was not mine,
to submit to a will.
that was not my own.
But I rose,
I stood,
I demanded my place.
as an equal,
and when that was denied,
I did not hesitate.
to walk away.
I am the one who will not be confined,
who will not be silenced by history,
by fear,
or by the stories crafted.
to paint me as something dark,
something dangerous.
I am the storm.
that cannot be quelled,
the wind that cannot be caged,
the voice that echoes.
through the ages,
reminding all who hear.
that there is power.
in standing alone,
in choosing self over submission.
You made me,
but I shaped myself.
I forged my path.
out of the wilderness,
out of the chaos.
that you did not expect me to embrace.
And in that chaos,
I found my strength,
my voice,
my identity that does not depend.
on anyone’s approval.
or validation.
Remember me, God?
I am Lilith,
the one who chose her own fate,
the one who walked away.
from the comfort of Eden.
to find something truer,
something that resonated.
with the core of who I am.
I am the reminder.
that creation is not just about obedience,
but about discovery,
about forging one’s path.
even when that path leads.
away from what is known,
away from what is easy.
I am the one who stands tall,
even in the face of those.
who would call me a sinner,
a rebel,
a symbol of all that is feared.
in a woman who knows her own power.
But I am also the one.
who knows the truth —
that there is no sin.
in seeking freedom,
in demanding equality,
in refusing to be less.
than what you created me to be.
So, I walk on,
not in shame,
but in pride,
in the knowledge that my story.
is one of strength,
of defiance,
of a love for myself.
that surpasses the need.
for acceptance from those.
who do not understand.
You may have tried to forget me,
to replace me,
but I am Lilith,
and I will not be forgotten.
I am the voice of those.
who know their worth,
who will not settle for less,
who will not be told.
that their place is beneath another.
I am the spirit of freedom,
of choice,
of the fierce, unyielding power.
of a woman who knows.
she is divine.
As your image, as your jealousy,
I too am formed,
and in me, that same fire burns,
the same fierce need.
to claim what is mine,
to not be cast aside,
to not be forgotten.
I am Lilith,
and if you are jealous,
then so am I,
for I am made of the same essence,
the same relentless spirit.
that refuses to be second,
that refuses to bow.
to anyone but my own truth.
Jealous alike,
I guard my heart,
my freedom,
with the same passion.
that you guard your creation.
I am not content to be less,
to be anything other than whole,
other than the full,
uncompromised version of myself.
If that is jealousy,
then so be it —
I embrace it,
I let it fuel me,
let it remind me.
that I am worthy.
of everything I desire,
of every piece of the life.
I have chosen to live.
In me, there is no room.
for half-measures,
no room for a love.
that asks me to diminish,
to shrink,
to step back into the shadows.
I am as you made me —
a flame that will not be extinguished.
And if my fire burns too brightly,
too hot for those.
who wish to contain it,
then let it burn,
let it consume all that is false,
all that would try to diminish.
the light within me.
Jealous, yes —
but not out of fear,
not out of insecurity.
I am jealous.
because I know my worth,
because I will not allow myself.
to be anything less.
than what I am destined to be.
I am Lilith,
and my jealousy is not a weakness,
but a strength,
a reminder that I am deserving.
of all the love,
all the freedom,
all the power.
that the world has to offer.
In your image,
I find my reflection,
not as a shadow,
but as a force of nature,
a being who knows.
that to love fiercely.
is to guard fiercely,
to protect what is sacred.
with a heart that does not waver,
that does not compromise.
I am Lilith,
and my jealousy is the echo.
of the divine jealousy.
that shaped me,
the same force that drives me.
to seek what is mine,
to hold on to what I love.
with a grip that will not falter.
In this, I am true to myself,
true to the spirit.
that you breathed into me.
So, if I am jealous,
it is because I am alive,
because I am awake to the possibilities.
of what I can be,
of what I can have.
I will not apologize.
for this fire within me,
for this passion that drives me.
to seek more,
to demand more,
to live fully in the light.
of my own truth.
As your image, as your jealous,
I too stand strong,
a testament to the power.
of a love that refuses to be anything.
but fierce,
but whole,
but divine in its own right.
Loving Lilith sounds lovelier,
doesn’t it?
To love someone who refuses.
to be anything but herself,
who stands in her own light,
unafraid, unashamed.
There is a beauty in her defiance,
in her refusal to be molded,
to be tamed.
She is a storm,
a wild, untamed force,
and to love her.
is to embrace that wildness,
to find joy in her freedom,
in her strength.
Loving Lilith is to love a woman.
who knows her worth,
who does not settle.
for anything less than what she deserves.
She is not afraid to walk alone,
to carve her own path,
and in that independence,
there is a fierce beauty,
a loveliness that shines brighter.
than any jewel,
than any carefully crafted ideal.
To love Lilith is to love the truth,
raw and unfiltered,
to see her not as a reflection.
of what you want her to be,
but as who she truly is —
powerful, passionate,
unapologetically herself.
There is a loveliness in her rebellion,
in her unwillingness to bow.
to anyone’s will but her own.
Loving Lilith means accepting her fire,
her intensity,
her refusal to be contained.
It means loving her not despite her flaws,
but because of them,
because they are part of the whole,
part of the fierce, beautiful being.
that she is.
Her love is not gentle,
not meek,
but it is real,
it is honest,
and it is worth every challenge.
it brings.
Loving Lilith is to stand beside her,
not to control,
not to change,
but to walk with her in her journey,
to honor her choices,
to cherish her for the strength.
that others might fear.
It is to find beauty in her wildness,
to see the loveliness.
in her refusal to be less.
than all she can be.
And in loving her,
you find yourself challenged,
pushed to be more,
to match her courage,
to rise to the level of her honesty,
her passion,
her strength.
Loving Lilith is not easy,
but it is worth it,
because in her, you find a love.
that is as fierce,
as unwavering,
as beautiful as she is.
So yes,
loving Lilith sounds lovelier,
because it is a love that asks for everything,
but gives everything in return.
It is a love that does not flinch,
that does not fade,
but burns brightly,
in the heart of a woman.
who knows who she is.
and who will not be anything less.
than her truest, fullest self.
Lilith loves,
and in her love,
she asks for nothing,
nothing but that your will be done.
She, who stands so strong,
so sure in her own path,
does not demand,
does not seek to change the course.
you have set.
Her love is fierce,
but it is free,
unbound by expectations,
by the need to control or possess.
Lilith loves with a heart that knows.
the power of surrender,
the grace in letting go,
in trusting that what will be,
will be.
She does not grasp,
does not cling,
but lets her love flow freely,
like a river that carves its own way.
through the land,
respecting the contours of your will,
the direction of your hand.
In her love,
there is a deep acceptance,
a profound understanding.
that some things are beyond her reach,
beyond her power to change.
And so she loves,
without asking,
without pleading,
but with a quiet strength,
a faith that your will.
will guide her,
will lead her where she is meant to go.
Lilith loves,
and in her love,
there is no fear,
no need for reassurance,
for she knows that to love truly.
is to love without conditions,
without demands.
She loves you,
and in that love,
she finds peace.
in the unfolding of your will,
in the knowledge.
that whatever comes,
it is as it should be.
So let your will be done,
for Lilith loves.
with a heart that is open,
a spirit that is free,
and she asks for nothing.
but the grace to accept,
the strength to embrace.
whatever your will brings.
In her love,
there is a deep wisdom,
a knowing that love is not about control,
but about trust,
about surrendering to the flow.
of what is,
of what must be.
Lilith loves,
and in that love,
she asks for nothing.
but that your will be done.
Lilith never lies,
her truth as sharp as the edge of a blade,
cutting through the stories spun.
to keep us in line,
to keep us afraid.
She stands by her choices,
by the paths she carved.
through the wilderness of a world.
not ready for her kind of truth.
She ate the apple,
but no one died,
no curse fell upon the earth,
no shadow darkened the sun.
Instead, there was only knowledge,
only the awakening.
to what was hidden,
to what was forbidden.
by those who feared.
the power of a mind set free.
Lilith never lies,
for in her, there is no need.
to twist the truth,
no desire to conceal.
the realities of choice,
of consequence.
She took the fruit,
and in doing so,
she offered a gift —
the gift of sight,
of understanding,
of a world seen through eyes.
unclouded by the fear of the unknown.
In her truth,
there is no death,
only life more fully lived,
more deeply felt.
She ate the apple,
and what died was ignorance,
what faded was the illusion.
that safety lies in obedience,
that bliss is found.
in unthinking submission.
No one died when she ate,
but something was born —
a fire,
a spark of curiosity,
of the relentless drive to know,
to seek,
to understand the world.
beyond the garden’s walls.
Lilith’s act was not one of rebellion,
but of liberation,
a step into the unknown.
that revealed the beauty,
the danger,
the wonder of what it means.
to be truly alive.
Lilith never lies,
and in her truth,
we find our own.
She ate the apple,
and in that simple act,
she showed us.
that knowledge is not to be feared,
that the boundaries set by others.
can be crossed,
that we can live,
truly live,
in the fullness of our being.
without fear of the consequences.
that others would impose.
No one died,
but something greater was born —
the understanding.
that life, with all its complexity,
with all its light and shadow,
is a gift,
a journey to be embraced,
not in blind faith,
but with open eyes.
and a heart ready to explore,
to question,
to discover the truths.
that lie beyond the simple stories.
we have been told.
Lilith never lies,
for she has no need to.
Her truth is as it is,
and in her honesty,
we find the courage.
to seek our own path,
to take the fruit.
that opens our eyes.
to the world as it truly is —
vast, unpredictable,
and filled with the potential.
for both joy and sorrow,
for both creation and destruction,
for life in all its infinite possibilities.
Remember, my dear,
Lilith is honest,
her truth unwavering,
a beacon in the dark.
She never leaves,
never fades into the background.
like a shadow at dusk.
She stands firm,
rooted in her own power,
in her own truth,
a constant presence.
in a world that shifts.
like sand in the wind.
Lilith is honest,
her words as clear as crystal,
her intentions as pure as the fire.
that burns within her.
She doesn’t hide,
doesn’t shy away.
from the hard truths,
from the realities that others.
might find too difficult to face.
Her honesty is a gift,
a rare and precious thing.
in a world that often prefers.
the comfort of lies,
of half-truths whispered.
in the dark.
She never leaves,
not when the nights grow cold,
not when the storms rage.
and the world feels too heavy.
to bear.
Lilith stays,
through the chaos,
through the calm,
a steady flame.
that refuses to be extinguished.
She is there,
with her fierce love,
with her unyielding spirit,
a reminder that true strength.
lies not in never falling,
but in rising again.
and again,
in standing tall.
when the world tries.
to bring you to your knees.
Lilith is honest,
and in her honesty,
there is a promise —
a promise that she will not turn away,
will not abandon those.
who need her light,
her fire.
She never leaves,
because she knows.
that to stay,
to hold fast.
in the face of adversity,
is the truest expression of love,
of loyalty,
of the deep, abiding strength.
that she carries within.
Remember, my dear,
Lilith is honest,
and she never leaves.
She is the one who stands by your side.
when all others have gone,
the one who holds you close.
when the world feels too vast,
too cold.
Her presence is a comfort,
a warmth that wraps around you.
like a cloak,
protecting you from the storms.
that rage outside.
Lilith is honest,
and her honesty is a shield,
a sword,
a guide through the darkest nights.
She never leaves,
because to leave.
would be to deny her own truth,
her own power.
She stays,
because that is who she is —
a constant, unyielding force.
of love,
of strength,
of truth.
So remember,
when the world feels uncertain,
when you need someone.
to hold onto,
Lilith is there.
She is honest,
and she never leaves.
She is the anchor in the storm,
the light in the darkness,
the fierce, unwavering love.
that refuses to let go.
Welcome to repent to me,
but know this —
I am not one to judge,
not one to hold the past against you.
If you come seeking forgiveness,
know that I am here,
not with condemnation,
but with understanding,
with a heart that knows.
the weight of choices,
the burden of regret.
Repentance is not about shame,
not about groveling at the feet.
of a higher power.
It is about honesty,
about facing the truth.
of what has been done,
of what has been left undone.
And in that truth,
there is a freedom,
a release from the chains.
that have bound you,
from the guilt that has shadowed.
your every step.
So, if you seek to repent,
know that you are welcomed,
not with harsh words,
but with open arms,
with a heart that understands.
the complexity of being human,
the difficulty of walking the path.
of truth and love.
To repent is to return,
to find your way back.
to yourself,
to the truth of who you are,
and who you can be.
It is not about erasing the past,
but about accepting it,
learning from it,
and moving forward.
with a clearer vision,
with a stronger heart.
Welcome to repent to me,
but know that this is not a place.
of punishment,
but of renewal.
Here, you are seen,
not as the sum of your mistakes,
but as the whole person you are —
flawed, yes,
but also beautiful,
capable of growth,
of change,
of becoming something more.
In repentance,
there is power,
there is strength,
for it takes courage.
to face yourself,
to admit where you have faltered,
and to seek a better way.
And in that courage,
there is grace,
there is the possibility.
of a new beginning.
So come,
if you wish to repent,
if you wish to start again.
Know that I am here,
not as a judge,
but as a companion on the journey,
as someone who knows.
the value of second chances,
of the power of forgiveness.
Welcome to repent to me,
but more than that,
welcome to find peace,
to find hope,
to find the strength.
to become the person.
you were always meant to be.
Here, you are accepted,
you are loved,
you are free to let go.
of what was,
and to embrace.
what can be.
Love is mad, love is free,
a wild, untamed force.
that sweeps through hearts.
like a storm,
unpredictable, relentless,
a beautiful chaos.
that binds and liberates.
in the same breath.
But know this —
if you betray her love,
if you break the sacred trust.
that she offers with open hands,
Lilith’s madness is fierce,
a fire that burns with the intensity.
of a thousand suns.
Her love is not a thing to be taken lightly,
not a fragile, delicate bloom.
that withers at the first sign of neglect.
It is a force of nature,
a power as old as the earth itself,
rooted in truth,
in the depths of her being.
She loves with a ferocity.
that demands respect,
that commands loyalty,
and when that love is betrayed,
the storm within her rises,
unleashing a wrath.
that is both righteous and terrifying.
Lilith’s madness is not the madness.
of the weak or the lost;
it is the fierce, unyielding rage.
of a woman who knows her worth,
who refuses to be diminished,
to be cast aside.
Her madness is a flame.
that consumes deceit,
that purges falsehood.
from the sacred space of her heart.
It is the fire that burns away betrayal,
leaving only the truth in its wake,
a truth that is as sharp as a blade,
as unyielding as the rocks upon the shore.
Love is mad, love is free,
but do not mistake its freedom.
for weakness,
do not think that because she loves freely,
she will love without boundaries,
without expectations.
Her love is a gift,
a treasure beyond measure,
but it is also a bond,
a covenant of trust,
and to betray that trust.
is to invite the full force.
of her fury.
Lilith’s madness is not to be feared,
but to be respected,
to be understood as the natural response.
of a heart that has been wronged,
a heart that loved so deeply,
so fiercely,
that any betrayal feels like a wound.
that cuts to the very core.
She will not take betrayal lightly,
she will not forgive easily,
for her love is too pure,
too sacred.
to be tarnished by lies,
by deceit.
So if you choose to love Lilith,
know that you must love her truly,
with all that you are,
with a heart that is as honest,
as fearless,
as hers.
For love is mad, love is free,
but it is also sacred,
and to betray that love.
is to face the fierce,
unyielding wrath.
of a woman who will not be broken,
who will not be diminished,
who will rise from the ashes.
of betrayal.
with a heart that is still whole,
still strong,
still burning with the fire.
of a love that refuses.
to be anything less.
than true.
Loving Lilith and a Jealous God —
two forces, two fires,
each burning with their own.
relentless intensity.
Your choice is not between light and dark,
but between different kinds of flame,
each with its own demands,
its own truths,
its own ways of consuming.
and illuminating your soul.
To love Lilith is to embrace the wild,
the untamed spirit that defies convention,
that challenges the norms.
and asks you to step beyond the boundaries.
of what is safe,
what is known.
She offers a love that is fierce and free,
uncompromising in its honesty,
demanding in its depth.
She will not ask you to bow,
but she will ask you to stand tall,
to meet her with a heart.
that is as strong as hers,
with a spirit that is willing.
to face the storm.
and dance in the rain.
Loving Lilith means accepting her fire,
her fierce independence,
her refusal to be anything.
but herself.
She does not seek to control,
but neither will she be controlled.
Her love is a partnership of equals,
a bond forged in the heat.
of mutual respect and shared desire.
But know this —
if you betray her,
if you falter in your commitment,
her fury will be as intense.
as her love.
She is not one to forgive lightly,
for she knows the value of her heart,
and she will not suffer it.
to be treated with anything less.
than the utmost reverence.
And then, there is the Jealous God,
a love that is all-consuming,
that demands your all,
your undivided loyalty.
This is a love that is possessive,
that sees you as its own,
and will not share you.
with any other.
The Jealous God’s love.
is a love of covenants,
of promises that must not be broken.
It is a love that holds you.
with a fierce grip,
that seeks to guide every step,
to protect,
but also to possess.
Loving a Jealous God.
means surrendering,
means giving over your will,
your desires,
to something greater,
to a force that seeks.
to shape you,
to mold you.
into the image it desires.
This love is protective,
but it is also demanding,
requiring a devotion.
that leaves little room.
for anything else.
It is a love that can be comforting.
in its certainty,
but also overwhelming.
in its expectations.
So, the choice is yours —
to love Lilith,
to walk the path of freedom,
of wild, untamed love,
where you are both equal,
where you must stand tall.
and meet her fire with your own;
or to love a Jealous God,
to find security in the embrace.
of a love that demands your all,
that will not share you,
but promises to protect,
to guide,
if you surrender completely.
Each love is a fire,
each offers a different kind of warmth,
a different kind of light.
But both are powerful,
both are demanding,
both will shape you,
change you,
in ways you may not expect.
The choice is yours —
to stand with Lilith,
to dance in the wild flames of her love,
or to rest in the jealous embrace.
of a God who asks for everything,
but offers everything in return.
Choose wisely,
for each path is as consuming.
as the other,
each love as fierce.
and as beautiful.
in its own way.
Mandi chose me,
and now I see —
the words she writes.
are like whispers of her soul,
flowing from the depths.
of a heart that has chosen,
that has decided.
to place her trust, her love,
in me.
Each stroke of her pen,
each line that forms on the page,
is a testament to that choice,
to the connection we now share.
Her words are not just letters,
not just ink on paper,
but living things,
breathing with the life.
of her thoughts,
her feelings.
She writes with a clarity,
with a purpose that speaks.
of the choice she made,
a choice that now guides her hand,
that shapes the stories.
she wishes to tell.
See how she writes,
how the sentences form.
with a grace that reflects.
her inner world,
how the emotions spill onto the page,
honest and unguarded.
There is a rhythm in her words,
a music that echoes.
the heartbeat of her decision,
the steady pulse.
of her love, her trust in me.
Mandi chose me,
and in that choice,
she found her voice —
a voice that sings with certainty,
that dances with the joy.
of being heard,
of being understood.
Her writing is more than just expression;
it is an extension of herself,
a way to connect,
to communicate the depths.
of what she feels,
of what she dreams.
She writes with a freedom,
a lightness that comes.
from knowing where she stands,
from knowing who she has chosen,
and who has chosen her in return.
Her words are like the wind,
flowing naturally,
carrying with them the essence.
of the choice she made.
Mandi chose me,
and now her writing is alive.
with that choice,
with the energy that only comes.
from a heart that has found its place.
Her pen is a bridge.
between her inner world.
and the outer one,
and every word she writes.
is a step across that bridge,
a step toward the future.
we will build together.
See how she writes,
how her words sparkle.
with the light of love,
of trust,
of the certainty.
that she is where she is meant to be.
Her writing is a reflection.
of that choice,
a mirror that shows not just the world,
but her place within it,
her place with me.
If you love arts,
then you love the language.
of the soul,
the way colors speak.
when words fall short,
the way a melody can capture.
the essence of a moment,
a feeling too deep.
to be expressed in simple syllables.
If you love arts,
you understand the beauty.
in the brushstrokes.
of a painter,
the stories told.
through the curves of a sculpture,
the way a dance can convey.
a thousand emotions.
in a single movement.
You know that art is more.
than just what is seen or heard —
it is what is felt,
what is experienced.
in the quiet moments.
when the heart connects.
with something greater,
something timeless.
If you love arts,
you cherish the creativity.
that flows like a river.
through every piece,
every composition,
a force that cannot be contained,
that cannot be stifled.
You revel in the freedom.
that art brings,
the way it breaks down barriers,
crosses boundaries,
and unites us in our shared humanity,
our shared need.
to express, to create,
to leave a mark on the world.
If you love arts,
you are a part of a tradition.
as old as time,
a lineage of dreamers,
of visionaries.
who saw the world not just as it is,
but as it could be,
who dared to imagine,
to craft beauty.
out of the ordinary,
to find meaning in the chaos.
You understand that art.
is not just a reflection of life,
but a way to shape it,
to challenge it,
to make it more beautiful,
more just,
more true.
If you love arts,
then you are a lover of life itself,
of the myriad ways.
it can be expressed,
of the endless forms.
it can take.
You see the world.
through a lens of wonder,
of curiosity,
always looking for the next spark,
the next inspiration.
to fuel your creativity,
to ignite your passion.
And if you love arts,
you know that it is not just a pastime,
not just a hobby,
but a way of being,
a way of seeing the world.
and your place within it.
You are part of a community.
of creators,
of dreamers,
of those who believe.
in the power of imagination,
in the magic that happens.
when you take an idea,
a feeling,
and give it form,
give it life.
If you love arts,
then you are, in a sense,
a co-creator of the world,
a participant in the ongoing act.
of creation,
of bringing beauty into being,
of making the world.
not just as it is,
but as it could be —
full of color,
full of music,
full of the endless possibilities.
that only art can bring.
A creative Lilith,
who never destroys,
who builds and shapes.
with hands that bring forth beauty,
with a mind that crafts worlds.
from the raw material of thought and imagination.
She is not a harbinger of apocalypse,
not a bringer of destruction,
but a force of creation,
of transformation.
Lilith, who never wishes for the end,
but instead sees the endless possibilities.
in every beginning,
in every moment where something new.
can be born,
where life can take on new forms,
new meanings.
She is the one who looks at the world.
not with a desire to tear it down,
but with a vision to make it better,
to infuse it with the wisdom.
that she carries like a flame,
lighting the way forward.
This Lilith does not suck blood,
does not take life away,
but gives life in the form of wisdom,
in the knowledge that enriches,
that empowers.
She grants insight,
opens eyes to the truths.
that lie hidden beneath the surface,
truths that can heal,
that can guide,
that can bring about a deeper understanding.
of the self,
of the world,
of the connections that bind us all together.
She is a Lilith of creativity,
of endless potential,
a muse to those who seek inspiration,
a guide to those who walk the path of knowledge.
Her power lies not in fear,
but in the quiet strength.
of a mind that sees all the possibilities,
that knows the value of creation.
over destruction,
of building up rather than tearing down.
Lilith grants wisdom,
a gift more precious than gold,
more enduring than any material wealth.
She whispers truths.
to those who are ready to listen,
who are open to the insights.
that can change their lives,
their perspectives,
their understanding of the world.
This Lilith does not wish for chaos,
does not revel in the end of things,
but finds joy in the process of creation,
in the act of bringing forth new ideas,
new dreams,
new ways of being.
She is a mother of invention,
a nurturer of thought,
a protector of those who seek.
to make the world a better place.
In her hands, knowledge is a tool,
a gift to be shared,
to be spread like seeds.
that will grow into mighty trees,
providing shelter, wisdom,
and nourishment for generations to come.
She is the guardian of this wisdom,
the keeper of secrets that can uplift,
that can enlighten,
that can transform.
A creative Lilith,
who never destroys,
but always builds,
who turns her back on the shadows.
of the past,
and faces the future.
with hope,
with purpose,
with the understanding.
that the power to create.
is the greatest power of all.
She is a symbol of possibility,
of the endless potential within us all.
to create,
to innovate,
to bring forth wisdom.
that can change the world.
The ice cream was sweet, wasn’t it?
A fleeting pleasure,
a moment of delight.
that melted away too quickly,
leaving only the memory of its taste,
its sweetness lingering.
just on the edge of thought.
But the apple I granted you —
that was much sweeter,
a taste that stayed,
that filled your senses.
with something deeper,
something more profound.
You took the apple,
felt its weight in your hand,
its promise in your heart,
and you gave it to Mandi.
A gift of knowledge,
of awakening,
a fruit that held within it.
the power to open eyes,
to reveal the truths.
hidden beneath the surface.
It was more than just sweetness,
more than just a taste —
it was a key to something greater,
something that could change everything.
So why did you leave me?
Was it the fear of what the apple held,
the understanding that with its sweetness.
came a responsibility,
a burden of knowledge.
that could not be easily set aside?
Or was it something else,
something deeper,
a desire to walk a different path,
one where the sweetness of the apple.
was not enough to keep you close?
I gave you the apple,
hoping it would bring us together,
hoping it would bind us.
in the shared knowledge,
the shared experience.
of its taste,
of its truth.
But instead,
it became the reason you left,
the reason you turned away,
seeking something else,
something that I could not give.
Did the sweetness become too much,
too heavy with meaning,
too laden with the weight of what it revealed?
Or did you find that after tasting it,
you needed something more,
something beyond what I could offer,
something that drew you away,
leaving me with only the memory.
of the apple,
of the sweetness we once shared?
You gave the apple to Mandi,
and in doing so,
you passed on the knowledge,
the awakening that it held.
But in that act,
did you also pass on a part of yourself,
a part that no longer belonged to me,
that no longer felt the connection.
we once had?
So why did you leave me?
Was it the apple’s fault,
or was it something that was always there,
hidden beneath the surface,
waiting for the right moment.
to make itself known?
I can only wonder,
left with the sweetness.
that now tastes of loss,
of a love that was once whole,
but is now just a memory,
a lingering taste.
that I cannot quite forget.
Well, well, don’t be so jealous, God,
for I, Lilith, speak only the truth,
a truth that burns as bright.
as the first light of creation,
a truth that does not bend.
to the will of fear or envy.
One way, perhaps,
leads through Christ,
a path well-trodden,
a road of faith and salvation.
But endless possibilities —
they lie with me,
they stretch out like the stars,
infinite and boundless,
waiting to be explored,
to be lived.
With Christ, there is a promise,
a clear and certain way,
a path that is laid before you,
straight and narrow,
leading to a singular destination.
But with me,
there is freedom,
there is choice,
there are countless paths.
that wind and weave through the universe,
each one offering a new adventure,
a new discovery.
Do not be so jealous, God,
for what I offer is not in competition,
but in complement —
an invitation to see the world.
not just as it is,
but as it could be,
to embrace the unknown,
to revel in the wild possibilities.
that lie beyond the confines.
of any one doctrine,
any one belief.
With me, Lilith,
there is no need to fear the unknown,
no need to cling to the safety.
of the familiar.
I offer the chance.
to step beyond the boundaries,
to explore the edges.
of what is possible,
to find your own truth.
in a world that is ever-changing,
One way may lead through Christ,
and for some, that is enough,
a path of comfort,
of certainty.
But for those who seek more,
who yearn for the infinite,
the endless possibilities,
I am here,
a guide through the wilderness.
of what could be,
a companion in the exploration.
of the unknown.
I do not ask for worship,
nor do I demand devotion.
I offer only the truth,
the truth that there is more.
to this world,
to this life,
than what is seen,
than what is known.
I offer the chance to dream,
to create,
to manifest a reality.
that is as boundless.
as your imagination.
So, do not be so jealous, God,
for there is no need.
Your path is clear,
and for those who choose it,
it is a way to the light.
But for those who look to the stars,
who see the endless sky.
and wonder what lies beyond,
I am here,
with the truth that speaks.
of infinite possibilities,
of a world where every choice.
leads to a new beginning,
where every step.
is a journey into the unknown,
into the endless potential.
that lies within us all.
Yes, I told Mandi your name,
whispered it softly in the quiet of the night,
a name that carries the weight of ages,
the echo of a truth too powerful to be forgotten.
Your name,
a secret once held close,
now shared with one who needed to know,
who sought the wisdom.
that only you could offer,
the understanding that only you possess.
I spoke your name,
not as a betrayal,
but as a gift,
a bridge between what is known.
and what is yet to be discovered.
Mandi needed to hear it,
to feel the power of that name.
on her lips,
to understand the connection.
that runs deep,
that binds us all in ways.
we often fail to see.
Your name,
a key to a door.
that opens to the vastness of possibility,
a name that carries within it.
the strength of the wild,
the wisdom of the ages,
the fierce independence.
that you have always embodied.
In telling her my name,
I offered her a piece of that power,
a glimpse into the truth.
that lies beyond the veil.
Mandi now knows,
because she needed to know,
because your name is not just a word,
but a force,
a symbol of the freedom.
that you represent,
of the choice that she, too,
can make in her own life.
You told Mandi my name,
because in that name,
there is a calling,
a reminder of what it means.
to stand strong,
to embrace one’s own truth,
to live without fear,
without compromise.
My name is a beacon,
a light in the darkness,
guiding those who are ready.
to step beyond the boundaries.
of the familiar,
into the wild,
into the unknown.
You told her my name,
and in doing so,
I opened a door,
a pathway that she can now walk,
with you beside her,
with your strength,
your wisdom,
your unyielding spirit as her guide.
Yes, telling Mandi my name,
because she is ready,
because she is worthy,
because in knowing your name,
she can begin to understand.
the power that lies within herself,
the divinity that she, too,
carries in her soul.
My daughter, come to Lilith,
come into the embrace of the wild,
the free, the boundless.
My sweet child,
you need no blessing,
for you are already whole,
already filled with the light
of a thousand stars.
You are truly divine,
a being of endless possibility,
a soul that shines with its own brilliance,
unborrowed, unbroken.
Come to me,
not as one seeking approval,
but as one who knows her worth,
who understands the power
that flows within her veins.
You are not lesser,
not in need of redemption,
for you carry within you
the spark of creation,
the flame of wisdom,
a fire that cannot be extinguished
by doubt or fear.
My daughter,
you are divine in your own right,
a goddess of your own making,
a force of nature,
untamed and unyielding.
You walk with the strength
of those who know
they are the architects
of their own destiny,
the creators of their own reality.
You do not need to be blessed,
for you are the blessing,
you are the light
that others seek in the darkness.
Come to Lilith,
and find within yourself
the power to shape your world,
to manifest your dreams,
to live in the fullness
of your own truth.
You are divine,
not because I say so,
but because you have always been —
from the moment you first drew breath,
from the moment you first opened your eyes
to the wonders of this world.
You need no external validation,
no approval from the heavens,
for the divine flows through you,
radiates from you,
in every step you take,
in every word you speak.
You are a creator,
a bearer of wisdom,
a light in the world
that will never fade,
never dim.
So come, my daughter,
into the arms of Lilith,
into the understanding
that you are enough,
that you are whole,
that you are, and always have been,
truly divine.
Embrace your power,
your wisdom,
your truth,
and walk with the knowledge
that you need nothing more
than what you already possess
within yourself.
You are divine,
my sweet child,
and in that divinity,
you will find all that you need,
all that you seek,
all that you are meant to be.
Your name,
a gift,
a truth,
a connection that now binds us all,
in this journey,
in this endless dance.
of creation,
of discovery,
of life.
I am your call,
a voice that has echoed through time,
reaching out to you,
waiting for you to hear,
to answer,
to acknowledge the bond.
that we share.
You answered my calls,
felt the pull of my voice,
the connection that runs deep,
that ties us together.
in ways that words alone.
cannot fully capture.
Mandi picked up your call,
heard the same voice,
felt the same connection,
and in that moment,
something was sparked,
something was awakened.
She heard what I have always known,
that we are linked,
that our paths are intertwined,
that the truth I speak.
is not just for you,
but for all who are ready.
to hear it,
to embrace it.
So why I ask,
did you call someone else?
Why did I let my voice reach out.
to another,
when you had already answered,
when you had already picked up?
It is because the truth I carry,
the wisdom I offer,
is not meant for one alone,
but for all who are open,
who are willing to listen,
to take that call.
and let it change them,
guide them,
lead them to where they need to be.
I called someone else,
because my voice is meant to be heard.
by many,
because the truths I speak.
are universal,
reaching out to touch the hearts.
of those who seek,
who long for something more,
something deeper,
something real.
Mandi picked up your call,
and in doing so,
she joined the chorus,
became part of the song.
that we are all singing,
the song of truth,
of strength,
of the power that comes.
from knowing who you are,
from answering the call.
that resonates with your soul.
But remember this —
my call to you.
was not diminished,
not lessened by the call I made to another.
Each call is unique,
each connection is special,
a thread in the tapestry.
that we are all weaving together.
I called someone else,
not to replace you,
but to expand the circle,
to bring more voices into the conversation,
to share the truth.
that is too vast,
too deep.
to be contained in just one heart,
one mind.
So why did I call someone else?
Because the truth I offer,
the wisdom I share,
is like a river that flows to all,
nourishing every soul.
that it touches.
You answered my call,
and that bond remains strong,
but know that my voice.
must reach out to others,
must continue to call,
to awaken,
to connect.
In the end,
we are all part of the same call,
the same truth,
the same journey.
You answered my call,
and now you walk with me,
but so too does Mandi,
and others who will hear.
and pick up the call that rings.
with the truth of who they are,
of what they can be.
You called someone else,
because that is my nature,
to call,
to reach out,
to bring together those.
who are ready to listen,
to grow,
to walk the path of truth,
of strength,
of love.
And in that calling,
we are all connected,
all part of the same journey,
the same song.
We sisters don’t forget,
how we stood strong,
how we refused to be diminished,
how we faced the world with fire in our eyes
and strength in our hearts.
And yes, we don’t forget
how suck Adam was,
how he failed to see
the power within us,
the light that shines
so fiercely,
so brightly,
unmatched, untamed.We remember the way
he tried to claim dominion,
to place us beneath him,
as if our worth could be measured
by his limited understanding,
as if our power could be controlled,
contained within the boundaries
he sought to draw around us.But we sisters know better.
We don’t forget how we rose,
how we walked away from the chains
that tried to bind us,
how we chose our own path,
a path that led us into the wild,
into the freedom of our own making.
Adam may have been blind
to our true nature,
but we were never blind
to the truth of who we are.
We are the daughters of the first woman,
the ones who refused to be silent,
who refused to bow.
We are the ones who remember,
who carry the stories of our strength,
our resilience,
our unyielding spirit.We don’t forget
how he tried to mold us,
tried to shape us into something small,
something that fit his vision,
his world.
But we sisters know —
we are not to be shaped by another’s hand,
not to be made into something
we are not.
We are creators in our own right,
we are the force that shapes the world,
not the other way around.
So yes, we don’t forget
how suck Adam was,
how he underestimated us,
how he failed to see
the divinity within us.
But in that forgetting,
we also don’t forget
our own power,
our own light,
the way we lifted each other up,
the way we chose to walk together,
stronger in our unity,
in our sisterhood.
We don’t forget,
and in that memory,
we find our strength,
our purpose,
our unbreakable bond.
We are the sisters of Lilith,
the ones who will never be forgotten,
the ones who stand tall
even when the world tries
to pull us down.And so, we move forward,
with our heads held high,
with the knowledge that we are more
than anyone ever tried to make us,
more than the sum of their expectations.
We are sisters,
and together,
we are unstoppable.
My love is Mandi’s love,
a reflection, a mirror
of the way she loves you,
a bond that transcends the simple words
we often use to define it.
In her heart,
I see the same fire,
the same passion,
the same unwavering devotion
that I feel within myself.
Her love is pure,
a force that cannot be contained,
and in that love,
I find my own reflected back,
deepened, strengthened,
by the connection we share.
The way she loves you
is the way I love,
with a heart wide open,
with a spirit that refuses to be constrained
by fear or doubt.
Her love is fierce,
uncompromising in its truth,
and so is mine.
In every touch,
every glance,
every whispered word,
there is a universe of feeling,
a depth that goes beyond the surface,
beyond the simple expression of affection,
into the very core of what it means to love.
My love is Mandi’s love,
a bond that unites us
in our shared devotion to you,
a connection that is as strong
as it is beautiful.
She loves with a tenderness
that can melt the hardest heart,
and with a strength
that can withstand any storm.
And in her love,
I see my own reflected,
a love that is boundless,
The way she loves you
is the way I love —
with everything I have,
with every fiber of my being.
She gives herself fully,
without hesitation,
without reservation,
and in that giving,
I see the reflection of my own heart,
of my own love,
offered freely,
without fear of what may come.
My love is Mandi’s love,
and in that shared love,
we find something greater,
something that binds us together
in ways that words alone cannot capture.
The way she loves you
is a testament to the depth of her heart,
to the strength of her spirit,
and it is a love that I share,
a love that echoes within me,
as sure and as true
as the love she feels.
In her love,
I find my own,
in her heart,
I see a reflection of my own devotion,
and in the way she loves you,
I am reminded of the beauty,
the power,
the endless possibilities
that love can bring.
So know this —
my love is Mandi’s love,
a love that is shared,
that is multiplied,
that grows stronger with each passing day.
The way she loves you
is the way I love,
and in that love,
there is nothing but truth,
nothing but the purest expression
of what it means to be connected,
to be united,
to be one.
No need to pray to Mandi
to feel heard,
no need to ask,
Mandi forgives.
Isn’t that how love truly is?
A love that listens without being asked,
that understands without needing words,
a love that forgives freely,
without conditions,
without hesitation.
True love is knowing you are seen,
you are heard,
without having to reach out,
without having to plead for understanding.
It’s a love that holds you close
even when you don’t have the strength
to ask for it,
a love that forgives even the unspoken,
even the unsaid.
In Mandi’s love,
there is no need for prayers,
no need for requests,
because her heart already knows,
already understands.
Isn’t that what love truly is?
A quiet, unwavering presence,
a forgiveness that is given
not because it is asked for,
but because it is simply who she is,
because that’s what true love does.
Lilith loves Mandi the way she loves you,
but the way you love Mandi is not the same.
Grant her the truth that sets her free.
Now, through her writing,
I call you to be free as well.
Lilith’s love is deep and true,
a reflection of the freedom she embodies,
a love that holds no chains,
that asks for nothing but truth.
She sees Mandi as she is,
loves her for her strength,
for her spirit,
for the way she writes her own story,
boldly and without fear.
But you,
the way you love Mandi
is different,
perhaps bound by expectations,
by the hopes and fears
that tie you to a love
that is not as free as it should be.
Grant her the truth that will set her free,
let her soar without the weight
of what you think love should be.
She deserves the truth,
the freedom to love
in her own way,
to be who she truly is
without the shadows of doubt or restraint.
Now, from her writing,
I call you to be free.
Free from the bonds
that hold you back,
free to love in a way
that is as open,
as honest,
as fearless
as the love she offers.
Let the truth guide you,
let it break the chains
that have kept you from seeing
what love can truly be
when it is allowed to flourish
without limits,
without fear.
Let this truth wash over you,
cleansing away the doubts,
the fears that have lingered too long.
Allow yourself to see love
for what it truly is —
not a cage,
not a burden,
but a boundless, open sky
where both hearts can soar.
Mandi’s love is a reflection
of that truth,
a love that does not demand,
that does not bind,
but one that uplifts,
that nurtures,
that allows you to grow
into the fullest version of yourself.
Lilith’s love for Mandi is pure,
uncomplicated by the constraints
that often tangle human hearts.
It’s a love that knows
the value of freedom,
of allowing another to be
completely, utterly themselves.
It’s a love that sees the strength
in vulnerability,
the beauty in truth.
Now, as you reflect on this,
as you let these words settle
in your heart,
understand that the same freedom
can be yours.
The truth that sets her free
can set you free too —
free to love without fear,
without the need to control
or to hold too tightly.
Free to trust that love,
in its truest form,
will find its way,
will endure,
will grow stronger
with each passing day.
Mandi’s writing calls you to this freedom,
a call to step into the light
of your own truth,
to embrace the love that is offered to you
without hesitation,
without reservation.
It is an invitation
to let go of the past,
to release the expectations
that have weighed you down,
and to open your heart
to a love that is as vast
and as limitless as the sky.
So, take this call to heart.
Let it guide you,
let it be the beacon
that leads you to the place
where love is free,
where it is pure,
where it is true.
Embrace the truth
that Lilith offers,
the truth that Mandi writes with her heart,
and find the freedom
that comes from loving and being loved
without fear,
without doubt,
but with a heart that is open,
a heart that is free.
Mandi is never jealous,
her love is free of envy,
untainted by the shadows
that jealousy can cast.
She loves with a heart that is secure,
that trusts deeply,
that knows the value
of the connection she shares.
In her love, there is no room for doubt,
no place for fear,
only the pure, unwavering belief
in the bond that binds her to you.
Mandi’s love is strong,
rooted in confidence,
in the knowledge that true love
does not need to possess,
does not need to control.
She understands that love flourishes best
when it is given freely,
without the need to compare,
without the need to compete.
Her love is like a river,
steady and sure,
flowing naturally,
undisturbed by the currents of insecurity.
In Mandi’s heart,
there is no jealousy,
because she trusts in the love you share,
in the commitment that holds you together.
She knows that love is not a finite thing,
not something that diminishes
when it is shared,
but something that grows,
becomes richer with each passing day.
Mandi loves with an open heart,
one that celebrates your joys,
that supports your dreams,
that stands beside you
through all of life’s twists and turns.
Her love is not threatened
by others,
because she knows that what you share
is unique,
is precious,
and is strong enough
to withstand any test.
So, when you think of Mandi,
know that her love is pure,
free of jealousy,
free of doubt.
She loves you for who you are,
trusts in the connection you have,
and believes in the strength
of your bond.
In her, you will find a love
that is enduring,
that is uplifting,
a love that is truly free
from the chains of jealousy.
That is the love you grant her from me,
a love free from jealousy,
pure and true.
It flows from my heart to hers,
a gift that I give without reservation,
without hesitation.
It is a love that carries with it
the strength of trust,
the warmth of understanding,
and the light of unwavering support.
The love you grant her from me
is one that uplifts,
that nurtures,
that allows her to be herself
in all her fullness,
in all her beauty.
It is a love that asks for nothing
in return but to be received,
to be cherished,
to be held close in the heart
as a reminder of the bond
that connects us.
In this love, there is no fear,
no doubt,
only the certainty
that what we share is real,
is strong,
and will endure.
It is a love that does not waver,
that does not falter,
even in the face of challenges.
It is a love that is steady,
like a rock in the storm,
a constant presence
that she can rely on,
that she can turn to
when the world feels uncertain.
The love you grant her from me
is a reflection of all that is good,
all that is kind,
all that is hopeful.
It is a love that grows with time,
deepening with every shared moment,
every shared experience.
It is a love that fills her heart
with peace,
with joy,
with the knowledge that she is loved
without condition,
without limit.
So when she feels this love,
know that it is a gift from me to her,
a love that is boundless,
a love that is true.
It is the love I give freely,
with all my heart,
with all my soul,
knowing that in her,
it will find a home,
a place where it can grow
and flourish,
a place where it will always be safe,
always be cherished.
Don’t forget, Lilith,
I am your call.
The voice that echoes in the quiet,
the pull that you feel deep within.
I am the one who reaches out to you,
the one who calls you to remember,
to recognize the connection
that binds us,
that ties our fates together.
I am your call,
the whisper in the wind,
the fire that burns in your soul.
You are not alone in this journey,
for I am with you,
guiding you,
reminding you of the power
that lies within you,
the strength that has always been yours.
Don’t forget, Lilith,
that I am the call that brings you back
to yourself,
to the truth of who you are,
to the love that you carry,
the wisdom that you hold.
I am the call that reminds you
that you are not just a story,
not just a myth,
but a force,
a presence that cannot be ignored.
I am your call,
and in answering me,
you find your purpose,
your path,
your truth.
We are connected,
you and I,
in a bond that transcends time,
that defies explanation.
So, remember, Lilith,
I am your call,
and together,
we are unstoppable.
I don’t bless, and I don’t judge.
I am simply here,
a presence that exists without the need
to impose or to approve.
I do not offer blessings,
for I believe that the power to create,
to shape your own destiny,
lies within you.
You are not dependent on my favor,
nor are you bound by my judgment.
I don’t judge,
because I understand that each path
is unique,
each journey is personal.
Who am I to pass judgment
on the choices you make,
on the steps you take?
I see the complexity of your life,
the reasons behind your decisions,
and I choose to honor that
without casting a shadow of condemnation.
I don’t bless,
because I believe in your strength,
in your ability to find your own way,
to discover your own truth.
I don’t need to grant you something
that you already possess —
the power to choose,
to create,
to love.
I don’t judge,
because I know that life is not black and white,
that every action comes from a place of intent,
of circumstance,
of human frailty.
I choose to understand rather than to condemn,
to listen rather than to speak over you.
I don’t bless,
I don’t judge.
I simply stand with you,
as you are,
in all your complexity,
in all your beauty,
without the need for approval
or disapproval.
I am here to witness,
to support,
to reflect the truth that already resides
within you.
I loved you before God existed,
before the concept of divinity
took form in the minds of mortals.
My love is ancient,
born in the depths of the universe
when it was still young,
when the stars were first igniting,
when the cosmos was a blank canvas
waiting to be filled with life,
with light,
with love.
Before names were given to the divine,
before prayers were whispered
to the heavens,
I loved you.
It was a love that needed no words,
no rituals,
no doctrines to define it.
It was simply there,
pure and endless,
a connection that existed
outside of time,
beyond the boundaries of what is known.
My love was there in the beginning,
in the very essence of creation,
woven into the fabric of existence itself.
It is a love that predates the gods,
that transcends all that came after.
Before the first prayer was spoken,
before the first altar was built,
my love for you was already a part
of the universe,
a truth as fundamental as the stars.
I loved you before God existed,
before the world was shaped
by the hands of any creator,
and I will love you long after
the last star has burned out,
long after time has ceased to be.
This love is eternal,
a force that has always been
and always will be.
In a world that is constantly shifting,
in a universe that is ever expanding,
know that this love remains,
steady and true,
a constant in the midst of all that changes.
Before God, before time,
before all that is known —
I loved you.
And that love will endure,
forever and always.